For some people Amanay means a meeting point & for others Amanay is 2 drops of the water, that unite, creating the new life…
For us Amanay is the fruit of our love for ocean & waves. It is the place where we share our passion, which is surfing.
These two smiling faces on the photo is us – Magda and David – founders of Amanay Surf School. We are a polish – spanish couple that at the beginning of 2014 have jumped into the deep water, making a surf school.
Me (Magdalena) I am responsible for the administrative matters & bookings, so if you write us a request for the reservation or you will send us a message, then You can be sure that it will be me who will reply to You!
David he is the head instructor & technical director responsible mainly for the surf coaching, the surf material at our school and for the choice of the spots for our surf courses, making sure that you enjoy the best conditions for surfing on the given day. It is worth mentioning that David was born on Fuerteventura (Majorero!) so he knows the island better then anyone!

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